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What's New with My Site?

March 24, 2008.  

The Easter Holiday we just celebrated this past weekend has come and gone so quickly.  Easter Sunday, resurrection day, is celebrated and is a reminder to us that Christ is not dead, He is yet alive.  He rose with all power in His hands.  He is the one, only, true living God.  There is none like Him.  His birth, life, death, and resurrection is not only a ONCE a year celebration, but should be recognized everyday.  

Our very own, Minister Stephen Lyons has comprised a You Tube Video just for you.  God is at your door, knocking, with a gift only you can accept.  The gift of salvation.  Each and every person will have the opportunity to answer.  Will you today?  I pray your answer is yes.

You Tube Video: 

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

August 16, 2007.


The Hospitality Committee of Everlasting Life Full Gospel Ministries also does outreach during the first Saturday's of each month.  This committee is also responsible for the ELFGM NEWSLETTERS you can receive by mail or online using Adobe (or http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df5n3wgh_17cqrjbf ).  This Newsletter provides you with the calendar events of ELFGM for the month, recipes, various testimonials and much much more.  To receive your very own personal copy, please e-mail your mailing address to elfgministries@yahoo.com

Please contact ELFGM if you have donations (i.e., clothes, non-perishable food items, monetary gifts) so we can continue to provide these materials FREE to those in need.  Thank you for your support and prayers.

August 1, 2007.

Here is the link to the August September Newsletter online:  http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df5n3wgh_17cqrjbf

As updates are made to this document, it will be updated automatically!  We thank God for having the opportunity to publish the newsletter in this manner. 

July 31, 2007.

You can now receive the Newsletter by e-mail!  Just send your request to elfgministries@yahoo.com and we will be sure to add you to the mailing list.  We are trying something new.  We hope this will better inform you about the services of ELFGM, various issues that arise in our nation, as well as financial advice (i.e., taxes, tuition, etc.).  We welcome any entries you would like to see or enter for the monthly and bi-monthly newsletters.  Thanks in advance for you support and prayers. 

November 8, 2006. 

We have currently added a Realblog page for you to voice your concerns.  I have started the Realblog with more updated information about the website.  If you have any concerns you would like to voice feel free to do so there and on the GuestBook.  The Realblog page will be helpful to those who may have questions they have about Everlasting Life, Christianity, understanding the Bible, life, which career path to take, or even various areas of the ministry.  We will review the questions and hopefully help provide answers to your questions.  We'll see how this works and the effectiveness of you voicing your opinion as fellow Christians, believers, etc.  Also if possible, many have not been able to answer the two questions on the Guest Book page, maybe on the Realblog page you will have the opportunity to answer them.  The questions were:  Are you saved? If not, would you like to be saved?  Read and confess Romans 10:9-11.  What can you do to sin souls into the Kingdom of Heaven?

October 2006. 

We currently added two new pages to the website which are 1. Bible Trivia and 2. Answers to Bible Trivia.  Various questions will be added every two weeks.  The majority of the questions originate from the Bible other questions may involve people from the Bible or those in the media.  If you have questions that may be interesting to use for Bible Trivia please feel free to e-mail them to the Webmaster at sharynml@yahoo.com with the Subject: Bible Trivia Questions.

We have also added links to the Favorite Links page.  One of which is a link to a website that you can read scriptures from the King James Version of the Bible.