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Now available online
If you have announcements, services, or articles you would like to submit for the ELFGM February/March 2010 Newsletter, send entries to:  elfgministries@yahoo.com
Deadline:  Friday, January 22, 2010

As updates are made to this document, it will be updated automatically!  We thank God for having the opportunity to do publish the newsletter in this manner.  Information regarding the newsletter and other updates can also be found on the "What's New" page.



God Speed to our brother Stephen Lyons as he blesses people on YOUTUBE.  He posted his first video March 22, 2008.  Check it out!  The link has been placed on our church website, www.elfgm.faithweb.com, on the Links of Interest page.   

Link to Stephen Lyons’ YOUTUBE video: 


<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>


March 24, 2008.  

The Easter Holiday we just celebrated this past weekend has come and gone so quickly.  Easter Sunday, resurrection day, is celebrated and is a reminder to us that Christ is not dead, He is yet alive.  He rose with all power in His hands.  He is the one, only, true living God.  There is none like Him.  His birth, life, death, and resurrection is not only a ONCE a year celebration, but should be recognized everyday.  

Our very own, Minister Stephen Lyons has comprised a You Tube Video just for you.  God is at your door, knocking, with a gift only you can accept.  The gift of salvation.  Each and every person will have the opportunity to answer.  Will you today?  I pray your answer is yes.

Minister Stephen Lyons You Tube Video: 

<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU"> </param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mMu-yqd0lTU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

We've all needed a clipart here and there... the site below provides you with various images free of charge. Just save the image and it's yours to use for free as long as you state your source (i.e., ChristArt.com).

If you are interested in studying the New and Old Testament King James Version of the Bible online, the University of Virginia Library has given ELFGM the permission to direct you to their website.  Not only does this include the KJV but the Apocrypha as well.


This is an awesome video that was emailed to us.  It's a dance by a praise group, Lifehouse Everyday skit also seen on Godtube.com.  Take a look for yourself! 

<embed src="http://godtube.com/flvplayer.swf" FlashVars="viewkey=ee73e63418003b47d7d5" wmode="transparent" quality="high" width="330" height="270" name="godtube" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></embed>

Many people receive free e-books through e-mail.  On Christlife website you can receive these free books and subscribe to get downloads or e-mails of free Christian books.


If you are a student and need information about Financial Aid use this website.  It also provides information about deadlines and FASFA applications you need to fill out for college.


God prayed for all mankind especially His disciples in St. John 17:16.  Though we are not of this world, we live in this world.  What happens in the news is a fulfillment of the word of God (i.e., St. Matthew 24 and St. Luke 21:5-19).  Therefore, it is still important to keep up with the news.  For breaking news worldwide go to
